Because only a small number of places on YCATS courses are available, each attendee enjoys quality hands-on time with Yamaha consoles
As part of Yamaha Commercial Audio Training Seminar programme, it provides advanced training on CL/QL consoles and Dante networking

In January and February, audio engineers in Spain, Portugal and the Canary Islands can take advantage of advanced tuition on Yamaha’s CL and QL series digital mixing consoles and Dante networking, as the company runs a series of free, day-long seminars.

Taking place in Madrid (27th January), Santiago de Compostela (2nd February), Barcelona (10th February), Lisbon (1st March), Porto (3rd March) and Tenerife (9th March), the training is part of the Yamaha Commercial Audio Training Seminar (YCATS) programme, which provides free, advanced training for sound engineers who already have a good working knowledge of digital audio mixing.

The major topics of each day will be:

  • General overview of the Yamaha CL and QL consoles
  • System Configuration
  • Using two consoles (FOH and Monitors)
  • Working with Gain Compensation
  • Live multitrack recording with Nuendo Live
  • Advanced Memory Management
  • An introduction to Dante networking and switches.

Each course lasts from 10am-6pm, with lunch provided. Because only a small number of places on YCATS courses are available, each attendee enjoys quality hands-on time with the consoles and is able to follow, step-by-step, the information provided by Yamaha’s experienced trainers.